Recently updated on: 14.3.2025, 9:53pm
28.10.2023 - 28.10.2023
Date: 28/10 (Sat)
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
2/F Concierge
Free of charge
Flying is akin to dancing with the sky, an experience that instills a desire to fly. Supporting this airborne ballet, engineers on the ground meticulously inspect and maintain the aircraft, preparing them for their next flight. This program delves into these aspects, offering insights into the symbiotic relationship between those who take to the skies and those who ensure their safe passage.
Guided Tour Content:
During each guest guided tour, Curators of “Desire to Fly” exhibition, Mr. Benny Au and Ms. Teresa Chan will also share their ideas and the curatorial process behind the exhibition, including the connections between the former Kai Tak Airport, Aviation, Dreams, and Artists’ works. Gain a unique perspective on the exhibition through the eyes of the curatorial team.